Evan Putnam

Computer Science Graduate

Headshot of Evan Putnam

Some of My Projects

Lightweight Drone Simulator

 Over a 10 week period, I worked alongside two other students to design, develop, and test a Lightweight Drone Simulator. The project was under Dr. Cihan Tunc, a professor from University of North Texas. The purpose of the project was to develop a tool that can be used to simulate a large number of drones and their behaviors as effeciently as possible. The difference between our simulator and others is that ours is focused on drone behaviour and a user can manipulate interactions through a configuration file.

Photo Metadata Extractor Tool

 The Photo Metadata Extractor Tool (PMET) is designed to speed up the process of cataloguing SuDoc numbered books, with the ability to configure the program for other document identifiers. The tool makes use of machine learning to extract text from images, then we access OCLC's WorldCat Search API to search for a corresponding document from the Library of Congress registry. Finally we process the request results into a CSV file to be used by library staff. This tool is the semester project for my capstone course, CS 458 Software Engineering and the team was later hired to develop the program into a releasable version.

My Portfolio Site

 I made this website to showcase my skills and projects in one place. The site is running as a Digital Ocean droplet using a LAMP stack. Using what I learned from CS 279 Intro to Linux and CS 328 Web Apps, I built this website and set up and configured the virtual web server to host this site. I used PHP to generate my project list as well as consolidate headers and footers into standalone files. The site also has a corresponding SSL Certificate in order to have the '.dev' top-level domain. I've also made sure this site is mobile friendly.

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My Skills

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About Me

Schooling and Hobbies

 I received a Bachelor's in Computer Science from California Polytechnic Humboldt in December 2023. I have also completed a Computer Science Associate for Transfer at Los Rios Community College District.

 I enjoy making lots of different things, not all of which are related to computer science. One of those things is participating in game jams, which is a kind of competition or challenge to create a game in a limited amount of time, often less than a week. Another hobby I have is tabletop gaming, in which I like to make 3D models for 3D printing using an SLA or resin printer.

My Resume