Lightweight Drone Simulator

Research Experience for Undergraduates Project

 The simulator was developed during the TaMaLe Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program 2023. The project I worked on for my 10 weeks with the research program was under Dr. Tunc, a Computer Engineering professor at the University of North Texas. The goal of the project was to make a lightweight drone simulator that could run faster and use fewer system resources by abstracting the simulation representation and interactions.

 We also made an effort to keep the code as modular as possible so it can be expanded upon or altered by other students in the future. Near the end of the ten weeks we wrote a paper encompassing the development and use of the simulator, as well as problems we encountered and some performance data to compare against other simulators.

 As of 10/03/2023 the paper has been finalized and is in the process of being published at the Software Designed Systems conference 2023. Information on the conference can be found here.